The Student Voice of Brighton High School
About Us
The Student Voice of Brighton High School
The Brightonian Media has been in existence since 1910, and we are one of the oldest print newspapers in Colorado. We print four times a year; however, we also maintain this sit with student voices.
Our Story
The Brightonian Newspaper and Media is a creative, hands-on environment in which students collaborate to produce Brighton High School Student Media. Students use cutting-edge graphic design software and professional cameras to learn the basics of digital storytelling, reporting, photography and social media as part of 21st-century communications. Media students explore digital and multimedia storytelling with a variety of industry-standard tools, including the chance to experiment with a variety of professional cameras and lenses and design software Students will have opportunities to plan, design and produce the Brightonian Newspaper and website, create and produce podcasts, and run the social media accounts in a student-led program, which enables them to practice real-world deadline skills in a collaborative learning environment in which their designs, photos and stories are published for an audience. The Brightonian Newspaper publishes a print newspaper four times a year but also maintains the Brightonian Media website and social media accounts (Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter), in addition to creating and producing several podcasts. Students also learn about how journalism has changed to adapt to an online world, as they apply the changes to the different Brightonian platforms. They learn the value of communication, online design, podcast editing and publishing, and the immense responsibility of online and social media and journalism.