Story by: Brooklyn Weber: Staff Writer
Fresh or Fake?
The most essential decoration of Christmas is one of the main dividing factors of different types of people during the season. Nowadays, the Christmas tree is most commonly displayed as the ideal if it is faux, often being presented in craft and department stores in various sizes, shapes, and styles. For several individuals, fake Christmas trees are the way to go, considering they are easy to set up, and come in many different variations and sizes that can fit perfectly into what is suitable for one’s home. On the other hand, while fresh-cut Christmas trees are a simple classic and what many see as the “traditional” way to decorate, they can only be obtained near to Christmas—considering they are alive—and for early decorators that isn’t always an appealing option. Real Christmas trees also hold the downside of the time to cut down and trim, and especially the every now and then clean up of bristles from the floor throughout the entirety of the season. However, in spite of the time and work that comes along with it, many families make an annual tradition out of searching for and cutting down the perfect tree.
Home or Holiday?
While it is the general stereotype in songs and movies for family members to travel home for Christmas, many have developed the tradition of taking beach vacations for the holidays. Escapes to relaxing beaches and sunny, hot weather—which most people prefer over the cold—are undeniably a great way to rid themselves of worries and enjoy Christmas to the fullest. But are there really no worries at all? Traveling for Christmas involves much more to account for than a traditional holiday when it comes to the tradition of gift giving. The only way to transport gifts to an island resort is through luggage, which is already a hassle itself, and ensuring that the gifts aren’t lost in travel is not a guarantee; people lose their luggage on the daily! As opposed to a beach, a place like Colorado looks especially different for Christmas, with snow and chilly weather during the season, which is a classic setting for the holidays. What is Christmas without snowmen and festive hats and coats?
November or December?
The largest debate over Christmas that is seemingly argued every year is the question of when it is appropriate to decorate. There are firm believers on each side, some saying that it is best to jump straight into Christmas decorating on November 1st, while others wait until December before they even begin thinking about Christmas. And then there are those who fall somewhere in the middle, decorating around Thanksgiving. The difference is often based on the varying traditions that different individuals grew up around. Many argue that Thanksgiving is to be enjoyed on its own before Christmas, while some believe that a Christmas tree and Nat King Cole is essential for Thanksgiving dinner. But decorating early means two whole months of seasonal festivities before Christmas is gone again, and what better than to enjoy the season for as long as possible?