Story by: Zoe Puzio: Fun and Games Editory
Standard timed write time: 40-50 minutes. But is that enough time? In order to produce a good and impressive essay in a certain amount of time, I think that something closer to 90 minutes would be more sufficient. Between reading the prompt, reading the piece, and gathering the evidence that only leaves about 30-35 minutes to actually write and as a student who has a serious writer's block, I need more than 50 minutes to write an entire 5 paragraph essay as well as edit it. A 90 minute timed write ould give me the time to read the prompt thoroughly, read the piece and gather my evidence, write the essay, and revise it sufficiently. However, this is coming from a completely mentally well student. After discussing this topic with a student that has severe ADHD and requires a 504 she says that she would need at least a good 3-4 hours. It is understood that the timed write is made to see how students do under pressure in a certain amount of time but this is unfair seeing as how different students naturally react to the pressure differently. I think that a longer amount of time would fit everyone much better even if it is over the course of a couple of days, this way everyone can get a longer amount of much needed time to produce the best result that they possibly can.