Freshman athletes at Brighton High School have been struggling with juggling their grades and the time commitment that comes with being in a fall sport.
“I usually don’t get home until 8:30 but it changes depending on how long coach wants to go, and by the time I get home and do my homework its 10:30 and I do most of my homework during my off hours” said Chloe Doyle, a freshman varsity athlete (‘20).
To be able to participate in sports at the high school level, students have to be passing at least five of their classes. This means that homework and other school work, such as tests and quizzes, cannot be blown off. Homework is a big struggle for most athletes because of how long the practices are and how much time out of school it takes.
Being in after school sports can make a student’s day very confusing and unpredictable compared to most. Having to deal with all of the chaos of school, along with long practices and games, can make anyone very flustered.
“Every night I have to plan out my day. Getting to school, what uniforms, dress up or jerseys, where to put my bag, and how to get home from practice.” Angel Mollel Junior Varsity athlete (‘20).
This is yet another challenge freshman have to face. Already having to get used to a whole new and much larger school, and on top of that they have to add all of the extra responsibilities of participating in a sport.