by Manual Contreras, Staff Writer
In summer of 2022, the construction for a new state of the art building started here at Brighton High School. The construction takes up a lot of space, and it might cause students to be late to class. The construction is also loud and can interrupt students or make them lose focus. Some students here have had some things to say about it.
Isaiah Garza ( Grade 9 ) stated that the construction does not bother him in any way. He was later asked if he sees the construction in Brighton High schools a good thing or a bad thing, which he replied, “ No I think it's a good thing, because I think its overall better to have more buildings for the students to work at, or to just be at.“
Isaiah said this because the new building is going to have a commons area; the commons area has many places to sit and tables to eat at. Isaiah seems to be excited about this.
The next interviewee, Daniel Ayala ( Grade 9 ) was asked the same question of if the construction bothers him at all, such as distractions or the hold up that it causes, Which he states “ No it doesn't bother me, I only hear it when I'm close to it so it's not loud at all, and it's not the reason I'm late.” and for the question on if the construction is a good or bad thing for Brighton High School ,Daniel responds “ I think it's a good thing because it adds more room to the school and when it's finished it’ll be easier to get to classes. The only thing that kind of bothers me is being late but that's because some people just stand around.”
Daniel also seems excited for the new area that the construction is bringing.
The construction at Brighton High School doesn't seem to be bothering too many people. All of the students here are excited for the new opportunities this new building will bring. The construction will not be finished for a good while so the students will just deal with it or keep their excitement in suspense.