by Chance Goodman, Staff Writer
When the summer heat turns to a cold morning chill, and the leaves start to change you know it's Fall. It's when the comfiest clothes go perfectly in the most comfortable weather.
Fall means hoodie season. Long-sleeved, baggy, soft hooded sweatshirts. But in the fall you can be comfy and not be hot.
When it's a little chilly from the fall weather and you crave a warm drink. You take a sip and it makes you feel warm inside. The taste of fall spice and warm coffee brightens your face and you don't feel so cold anymore.
One of the best holidays comes in the fall, Halloween. Halloween is full of decorations, and festive, and is a blast for the Trick Or Treaters. You can see kids dressed in costumes as tv show characters, movie stars, and all sorts of things. It makes the holiday one of the most entertaining for children all over the United States.
Halloween may be good but it certainly doesn’t have the food Thanksgiving has. Nothing like turkey, pumpkin pie, mashed potatoes, and any other delicious food that is placed on the dinner table. You get good food and time with your family on a day when you are thankful for everything you had.
Fall is clearly the best season of all, because of hoodies, pumpkin spice lattes, Halloween, and Thanksgiving.